Showcasing Your Market
Showcasing Your Market
In the last two articles, we focused on how to profile your listeners based on quantitative data and qualitative data. We outlined looking at AQH and Cume trends, rankings, duplication, and composition reports, as well as using qualitative data to define your listeners based on socioeconomic characteristics, consumer behavior, leisure activities, and media habits. Now that you have created your station profiles – what’s next?
At Research Director, Inc. we’re not only experts at finding the right nuggets to break down your audience – we also provide insights into your market. Most of the aspects of profiling your listeners can be applied to analyzing your market by looking at the “market totals” at the bottom of most reports from your audience data software. This can particularly help you to show the Power of Radio in your market.
Here are a few ideas to get you started to showcase your market: (All estimates used reflect market totals.)
- Radio’s Reach. Use Cume Persons or Cume Rating. “90% of Persons 12+ in [your market] listen to radio each week.” This statement uses Cume Rating for total week, Monday-Sunday 6A-12Mid.
- Time Spent Listening to the Radio. TSL or AWTE for Monday-Sunday 6A-12Mid. “Persons 12+ spend an average of XX hours each week with radio.” You can also compare different dayparts or demos.
- Radio Reaches a Diverse Audience. This is the ethnic composition of your market. Depending on your audience data source, look for the % of base or % of target for market total. You might also consider describing your market by other socioeconomic factors such as household income, employment, kids in the home, etc.
- Define Consumer Behavior. “XX% of Adults 18+ in [your market] plan to buy furniture in the next year.” This will show if the category of business has a large pool of prospects. You can use either target persons or % of target.
- Describe Lifestyles. What are the leisure activities that are most prevalent for the market? What types of entertainment and sports exist in your market?
Knowing your market sets you apart from every other media rep – be the first resource to an advertiser and it will lead to closing more sales. If you would like some help with your market insights, give us a call or send an email. We can save you time, and as we all know … time is money!