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What is the best way to sell my online audience?
August 2, 2012
As we’ve been learning and seeing, radio listening is not diminishing, but it is shifting. Radio listening is shifting to other media such as online, cell phones, digital, etc. Heavy radio listeners tend to be heavy digital consumers. By showing the value of your online users, advertisers can get the best of both worlds by advertising to terrestrial listeners and online users.
Using your qualitative data is the best way to show the value of your online users. Qualitative information allows you to see who your online users are, what they own, what they plan to purchase, as well as what they enjoy doing, etc. Qualitative reports inform you about media behaviors and demographics of adult consumers. Not only that, you can show if your online users are planning to purchase the advertiser’s products or services. Advertisers want to know that they are getting their money’s worth, and by using qualitative data, you are able to prove that.
By using this qualitative data, you can also show advertisers how terrestrial listeners and your online users are two different consumers. You are able to do this by pulling a profile of your station’s terrestrial listeners and a separate profile of your online users. By doing this, the advertiser can see that using terrestrial radio and online users will maximize their advertising dollars.
Realizing that radio listening is shifting to other media such as online is key. We have to learn to stress the importance of our online users, and using qualitative data is the best way to do so.
-Nakia Smith, Sr. Sales Research Consultant