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Free (Broadcast) Radio STILL Dominates! – Pandora Is Still Not Proven!

January 11, 2013

Let’s face it, sure there is an influx of New Media knocking on our door (laptops) every time we turn around.  Your email notification probably just dinged with a new company asking you to sign up. And, you’ve probably heard the buzz that because of all of this New Media, it has resulted in Broadcast Radio suffering.  Well don’t believe the hype.  Here’s why…

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The Advantage of Being the Smartest Kid in the Room

January 3, 2013

We all remember them from grade school. The kid who sat in the first row of the class and had all of the answers. Back then, these high achievers were often outcasts and their vast knowledge was looked down upon. 

But what can we learn from this group?

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What If I’m 18-49 in a 25-54 World?

December 20, 2012

My last blog focused on the difference between 25-54 and 35-64 year-old consumers and ways 35-64 can compete in a 25-54 world. As a refresher, both of those groups share the 35-54 year-old segments, which left the difference of the 25-34 and 55-64 age cells.

But, what if you are 18-49 in a 25-54 world?  How do you compete there?

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African American Consumers Are Powerful Digital Users

December 13, 2012

The history of the internet has been brief, not gaining power in its marketing initiatives until the mid-1990s. Today websites are becoming extensions of traditional media outlets, such as Radio, Television and Print. For an advertiser, it is crucial to create opportunities that increase revenue by tailoring marketing campaigns that speak directly to various consumer and demographic groups. For example, African Americans in particular, make up roughly 27 million of the online consumer base, who spend nearly one-third of their time on the internet, with a buying power that is expected to exceed $1 trillion in 2012.

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Does Christmas Mean Gifts for Everyone?

December 6, 2012

Thanksgiving has come/gone and now, as we are hearing on a number of stations, it’s Christmas time. For some stations, switching to an “All Christmas” format could possibly mean “Yes.” Those gifts will come in the form of larger cumes and increased listening, which results in larger average quarter hour (AQH). Because of the increase, you will be able to charge higher rates. “All Christmas” format stations that are successful are similar to the Super Bowl for TV commercial spots.

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