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10 Good Reasons to Advertise on the Radio

October 11, 2012

Since the world’s first successful radio broadcast on Christmas Eve, 1906, the industry has evolved into one of the most popular forms of media outlets consumers turn to. Radio’s consumer base has a loyal and emotional one-on-one relationship with their favorite station and its personalities. It is a place where consumers can go to make an effective connection with their community. It is a trustworthy and reliable medium. In short, Radio is free to its users; it is everywhere; and it is a very diverse and flexible medium with a format for consumers of all ages, races, and educational and financial backgrounds.

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What Makes Qualitative Data So Important?

October 4, 2012

When a radio station is pitching an advertiser for business, they need to demonstrate that they understand who the advertiser’s consumers are, what drives their purchase, and how their station best reaches them. Qualitative information helps to better understand an advertiser’s customer and demonstrate the power of the station to reach them. With qualitative research, you can profile an advertiser’s customer in great detail – learn where and how often they shop, what they’ve bought, what they plan to buy, and much much more. With competition among media increasing daily, qualitative helps you go beyond the standard age/sex demographics and set radio stations apart from one another.

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The Battle for Digital Ad Dollars

September 25, 2012

The fastest growing segment of the advertising pie is lumped into a category we now call “digital.” According to the latest report from the Internet Advertising Bureau and PWC U.S., “Internet” advertising revenues alone were $8.4 billion for the first quarter of 2012. That was a 15% increase over the first quarter of 2011.

Many different media want to increase their slice of this large and growing revenue pie. The question is, who has the advantage in this relatively new advertising space?

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Why did my numbers change?

September 19, 2012

Just about every time a new ratings book is released, your audience shares change. Most PDs ask the simple question: WHY? It doesn’t matter whether you’re in a diary or PPM market, there are four possible reasons your Arbitron audience estimates change.

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The Vital Few (Part 2)

September 11, 2012

Last week we talked about how a “vital few” can contribute more than their fair share to a given outcome. The same can be said for radio, with First Preference listeners contributing a disproportionately large share of the average station’s time spent listening.

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