July 10, 2024
Once again, The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC. – in close proximity to the algorithmic alchemists from XTRENDS – go boldly forward into the past. For those of you with short-term memory issues (you know who you are), we are talking about the recent past. Specifically, the JUNE survey. This is a review of those halcyon days that began on MAY 23RD and ceased to be on JUNE 19TH.
There was a lot of stuff going on during that 28-day span. There was the long MEMORIAL DAY weekend, we celebrated Dad (which in my house means I’m watching the closing round of the U.S. Open), the book ended on JUNETEENTH and, of course, school’s out for summer (earworm alert).
Here’s how our next batch of markets fared:
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July 9, 2024
JUNE is that month that inspires what we now call memes. Is it the month that is “bustin’ out all over”? Or are we preparing for a “JUNE swoon”? Those seem to be competing themes. And why are JUNE weddings so desired? (Trust me – you do not want to go down that Reddit rabbit hole.)
After extensive musings, The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC. – along with the data-driven diviners from XTRENDS – have discovered that JUNE is merely the sixth survey of the year. It ran from MAY 23RD through JUNE 19TH. It featured not one but two federally mandated holidays, the day for dad and, of course, the end of the school year. Cue ALICE COOPER and read on…
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July 2, 2024
As we prepare to celebrate the 248th birthday of these United States, we thought it would be appropriate to talk about how radio has affected the course of our nation.
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June 27, 2024
We have a few suggestions that might improve Nielsen’s upcoming digital diary service. The first thing broadcasters want to talk about is sample size. Let’s be real. Sample sizes will only increase if radio is willing to pay for it. Clearly, this is a non-starter.
Rather, these suggestions are for the upcoming digital diary. I will state up front that I have zero knowledge about how this is being set up or utilized. So every suggestion may already be in the works. Think of this as me trying to predict the NBA draft – it’s all conjecture. With that said, here are a few suggestions:
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June 20, 2024
Even if you’re only paying cursory attention to the political landscape, you know that this year’s races are going to be historic. This is not a bold statement, as every presidential election has the potential to bring about huge societal changes. Add to this the fact that, at least at the top of the ticket, the current polls say this year’s race is in the “pick ‘em” category.
This column is not about politics, however. It is about the power of radio. According to a recent Nielsen study, radio could be the secret weapon in the political advertising wars. Read More…