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A New Year and New Resolutions

January 4, 2024

Many people make resolutions for the New Year. Why? Do you? How do you choose what should be your resolution for the year? I have struggled with this my whole life. In fact, it sometimes stresses me out so much I give up. Here’s a different perspective on New Year’s resolutions …

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Radio Ratings Roundup, December 2023, Part IV

December 29, 2023

Welcome back to our final look at the DECEMBER survey. The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC. could not bring you this here missive 13 times a year without our partners from XTRENDS. If we are Santa, then they are the reindeer that make this all possible. Sure, Santa gets all the credit, but he’d be sitting on his ample posterior up at the NORTH POLE without Rudolph and his minions. XTRENDS provide the numbers; we throw in the snark.

This survey ran from NOVEMBER 9TH through DECEMBER 6TH. We saluted our veterans, we put ourselves into a collective food coma and radio stations all over AMERICA started playing ANDY WILLIAMS records. This is truly an amazing TIME TO BE ALIVE.

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Radio Ratings Roundup, December 2023, Part III

December 29, 2023

The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC. – in a tight formation with the reindeer-driving wizards from XTRENDS – are taking a break from printing out our AMAZON return receipts to bring you our third installment of the DECEMBER survey. This one began on NOVEMBER 9TH and polished itself off on DECEMBER 6TH. It had a federally mandated three-day weekend, the annual feast of the fatted fowl and, of course, the reappearance of such renowned audio artists as THURL RAVENSCROFT and the duo ELMO AND PATSY. That these three are not in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is a true miscarriage of justice. We will attempt to stifle our outrage as we bury you in the numbers…

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Radio Ratings Roundup, December 2023, Part II

December 28, 2023

The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC. – in conversation with math magicians from XTRENDS – have been in a heated debate recently. Look, we’re all fine with the radio airwaves being fouled by the incessant drumming and ringing. The masses love it. What we cannot cotton to is the thought that My Favorite Things is a CHRISTMAS song. Sure, it talks about sleigh bells, snowflakes and packages tied up with strings, but it is from The Sound of Music. This is a movie about a lot of “things” – CHRISTMAS not being one of them. So if the powers that choose the songs will indulge us – please purge this from your playlist. With that settled, let us proceed with the DECEMBER survey. It ran from NOVEMBER 9TH through DECEMBER 6TH and it featured a lot of our favorite things – ratings.

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Radio Ratings Roundup, December 2023, Part I

December 27, 2023

Now that the dulcet tones of BURL IVES have faded into the ether, it is time for The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC. – along with the XTRENDS elves in the data-crunching workshop – to rehash the seminal ghosts of CHRISTMAS past. We bring you the DECEMBER survey. A time when the airwaves were riddled with jingling bells, drumming children and, apparently, the telling of scary ghost stories from prior holidays. This book began on NOVEMBER 9TH and skidded to a halt on DECEMBER 6TH. It featured a long holiday weekend plus folks gobbling up as much turkey as possible. Here’s how it ended up: Read More…