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‘Tis The Season

December 21, 2023

As we roll through the holidays, we can get distracted by all the hoopla and the hype. I am mindful of the fact that we all need the hope that this season brings. We need to focus on ourselves and take the time to recharge.

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Using Geographic Strengths This Election Season

December 14, 2023

There is no question that political dollars will be the make-or-break category for many broadcasters for the end of this year and into next year. The flow of presidential candidate spending is in full force.

We have been assisting its clients in maximizing political revenue, it has become obvious that the role of geography is a game changer.

Geographic appeal is a dominant advantage for most radio stations. Few stations’ listenership is evenly spread across the entire metro. Due to signal and format appeal, most stations’ listenership is centered in a small portion of the metro. So how do you take advantage of your station’s geographic appeal?

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Closing Out the Year Strong

December 7, 2023

Do you need one more big piece of business to finish 2023 strong? To hit your goal? Most radio sellers are now scrambling to close last-minute business. We can help …

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Radio Ratings Roundup, November 2023, Part IV

December 1, 2023

Welcome back to the final RRR of NOVEMBER. Let’s face it – this is also the final survey of 2023. Sure, there are still two more books to go but unless you’re unleashing GENE AUTRY or BURL IVES on the masses, you’ll likely take the results with a healthy pinch of flaky salt. Still, The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC. – along with the math mavens from XTRENDS – will continue to soldier on. We are focused on the time period of OCTOBER 12TH through NOVEMBER 8TH. It featured millions of children on a collective sugar high, engagement of the flux capacitor to reverse time and the casting of ballots. Let us begin…

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Radio Ratings Roundup, November 2023, Part III

November 30, 2023

So I asked Google’s Generative AI to come up with NOVEMBER sayings. This was the best one: “This NOVEMBER, there seems to be nothing to say.” Not exactly a deep thought. That said, The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC. along with our cohorts from XTRENDS have plenty to say about the NOVEMBER survey. This one began on OCTOBER 12TH and was completed on NOVEMBER 8TH. We had ALL HALLOWS’ EVE, the end of Daylight Saving Time (it’s not plural), and Election Day. Plus, it got cold. Let’s dive in, shall we?

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