November 1, 2023
The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC. – along with the numbers merchants from XTRENDS – would be remiss in our analytical duties if we did not address this whole OCTOBER thing. As you likely know, in the old ROMAN calendar, OCTOBER was the eighth month of the year as there were only ten months in a year. When they went to a 12-month calendar, they tried to rename the month after several emperors but failed. We can be 100% certain that not one of those choices was Rocktober! There is no such month and there never will be. So can we just – please – remove this from the lexicon?
This survey ran from SEPTEMBER 14th through OCTOBER 11TH. We had ROSH HASHANAH, YOM KIPPUR, autumn ascending and an often-ignored federal holiday. Here’s how it looked for our next gang of five markets.
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October 31, 2023
Do you realize this is effectively the penultimate survey of 2023? Sure, there are still three books to go before we turn the corner but let’s be real. The last two of them are horribly tainted by the stench of BURL IVES and his ilk. Unless you are the purveyor of this swill, your listeners will be leaving you for the warm embrace of MARIAH CAREY and BRENDA LEE. There oughta be a law, ya know. So enjoy the OCTOBER numbers while you may. This survey ran from SEPTEMBER 14TH through OCTOBER 11TH. It was notable for ROSH HASHANAH, YOM KIPPUR, the autumnal equinox and a lightly observed federal holiday. The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC. – in an open relationship with the numbers crunchers from XTRENDS – are ready for the ratings roundup to begin.
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October 30, 2023
Welcome back for more ratings tomfoolery. Or is it folderol? Perhaps brouhaha. The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC. – along with our compatriots at XTRENDS – have yet to reach a consensus on this. We probably need to spitball it or hold a brainstorming session. Maybe bring out the whiteboard. We’ll just let that marinate for a while as we dive into the OCTOBER survey. This one ran from SEPTEMBER 14TH and concluded on OCTOBER 11TH. It featured ROSH HASHANAH, YOM KIPPUR, the official change of the seasons and a federal holiday that rarely generates a three-day weekend. Here we go…
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October 26, 2023
For far too long radio has played third fiddle to network television. As we have gotten dinged by all the pure play streaming services, network TV still rakes in its unfair share of ad spending, even though the networks, outside of news and sports programming, are getting killed by the likes of Netflix and its ilk.
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October 19, 2023
Are you having difficulties convincing an advertiser that you are the right station for reaching their target consumer? This is even harder if you are not a top ranked station. What can you do to prove the value of your listeners? We have a few ideas for you …
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