August 3, 2023
There is a wealth of information about radio station listeners through which we can create basic profiles of our audience. So how do you determine what type of information to include in your profile?
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July 27, 2023
When was the last time you saw a bumper sticker on a car? Let me amend that. When was the last time you saw a radio station bumper sticker on a car? You youngsters in the audience may not be aware, but there was a time when almost every radio station handed these things out at events and – shocker – people stuck them on their bumpers.
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July 20, 2023
New data is available every month in PPM markets. Depending on the market, diary data releases two times, four times, or 12 times per year. For most markets, Scarborough consumer data releases twice per year. All of this information can be overwhelming. So how do you determine what to consider when profiling your listeners?
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July 13, 2023
Even if you were a communications major, you may not know the phrase “medium is the message.” With apologies to the communications theorist Marshall McLuhan, this week’s missive is about the value of knowing your stations’ median age, or the median is the message.
First, let’s review the basics. Nielsen describes median age thusly: “…if you lined up all the listeners to the station from youngest to oldest the person in the middle would represent age for that station.” This is from the Tapscan Median Age report.
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July 6, 2023
Did you think we were going to talk about exercising your abdominal muscles? Well, that might be a topic for another blog. Today, we are referring to your spot radio core business.
Similar to many industries, radio is going through a tremendous transition. People have a vast number of options for their audio entertainment. This gives radio station management opportunities to increase their top line by focusing on new revenue opportunities. Where are these opportunities?
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