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Play-by-Play Plays

June 29, 2023

Nielsen recently released a report on baseball and radio. The big takeaway was that flagship stations for MLB franchises saw a tremendous spike in listening levels on Opening Day. This was not a surprise to us as we have been fortunate to work with some highly successful sports stations and have tracked the progress of many others.

Any baseball fan will tell you that the sport thrives on radio. Even though the new MLB rules have lessened the time color commentators can tell their story, the pastoral nature of the game is a natural fit for radio. Read More…

Back to Basics: Why is Data Meaningful?

June 22, 2023

Do you ever find yourself staring at a bunch of numbers trying to decide what is best to use? Are you looking/needing a quick way to pick the right information to use to tell the best story for your station?

Many of us find it difficult to select the right data to use in a sales pitch for a prospective client.

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Back To Basics: Finding Your Best Match

June 15, 2023

Do you ever struggle to tell the best story for your station? Don’t quite know how to show that you are a great “match” for the advertiser? Need a general format for finding and telling your story?

Well, at Research Director Inc. we are experts at finding and telling your story. Remember … you will be most successful in your matchmaking efforts if you can show that the two parties have a lot in common.

Here are a few “golden rules” to find the best match between your station and the advertiser. Read More…

Overcoming Objections

June 8, 2023

How often have you lost business because of false perceptions about your listeners? Do you encounter the objection: “you don’t have the right listeners”? You may also hear the following: your audience is not the right demo (too old or too young), ethnicity (example: no urban dictates), not the right geographic reach, etc., etc., etc.

You most likely won’t be able to change the minds of these buyers. So what can you do?

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Dear Diary

June 1, 2023

Nielsen recently announced they are scuttling the paper diary in favor of a digital version. The expected install date is late in 2025 so we have plenty of time to ponder what effect this will have in non-PPM markets.

Facts are scant at this point so the conversation surrounding this change is mostly speculative.

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