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Back to Basics: The importance of REACH!

May 25, 2023

Have you ever reached for a goal that you really thought was unattainable? Gone after the one big local direct advertiser you knew was a huge stretch? An advertiser you knew was a perfect fit for your station, yet they “don’t buy radio”? Or they “tried it once and it didn’t work”? I am sure you know a few of these types of advertisers. What do we need to do to cut through and get their attention and appointment?

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Courage in the Workplace

May 18, 2023

You are probably wondering why Research Director, Inc. is talking about this topic in a blog. What does courage in the workplace mean to you? This topic hits home for me as I have dealt with many challenges this past year, both personally and professionally. Honestly, some of these challenges I am not sure how I got through them.

Keep reading and I promise to connect the dots … Read More…

Portmant-eau I Get It!

May 11, 2023

Earlier this year, I switched roles at Research Director. I am now on the Information Systems team. We are referred to as IS, InfoSys, and “hey you.” Okay, I’m joking about that last one. I bet you’re wondering, “Okay, so? What does your team’s name have to do with anything?”

I’m getting there …

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He’s No Shakespeare

May 4, 2023

As you may know, the whole ChatGPT-slash-AI experience has caused quite a stir – especially in radio circles. Will computers replace live personalities, writers and <gasp> consultants?

I was tipped off to the new Google AI program Bard by Beau Phillips in his REVERB blog (a good weekly read, BTW). I joined the wait list, and within two hours I was invited to join the experiment. Read More…

Back to Basics: Closing Ratios

April 27, 2023

How many times have you pulled out all the stops to close a piece of business only to lose it? How do you differentiate yourself and your station from the rest of the pack? Would you like a secret weapon to close a piece of business? This weapon is Closing Ratios. Read More…