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Mind Your PUMMs

September 28, 2022

It is a fact of ratings science that there are 100 shares available in every market. However, not all shares are created equal. Your station’s AQH share is a reflection of how many people are actually listening to radio. The term, for PPM markets, is PUMM (Persons Using Measured Media). In diary markets, it’s PUR (Persons Using Radio).

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The Old Folks Boogie

September 22, 2022

For as long as I can remember, the holy grail of radio demographics has been 25-54. The cynics among us have often said this is a family reunion, not a homogenous group of people. To put this in contemporary terms, a 25-year-old is a digital native while a 54-year-old is a digital immigrant.

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The Digital Scam

September 15, 2022

Since the dawn of the digital age, we have been told that online ads are the great panacea that will solve every advertising challenge. To be sure, digital marketing has its place. Ranking high in a search is a must for any business. There is merit to the targetability of social media ads.

Then along comes this MediaPost article as reported on by Inside Radio. Here’s the money quote: The research conducted across Yahoo’s digital properties showed that 53% of all ad formats studied, while meeting viewability standards, generated less than one second of active attention.

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Back to Basics: Don’t Be Duped

September 8, 2022

Duplication Reports – Part 1

Have you ever wondered what “duplication” really means? How is it used in the Radio industry? What do all the terms in duplication reports mean and how can I use this information? We use lots of abbreviations and terms, yet we may not always have a full understanding of their meaning.

In this month’s Back to Basics post, we unpack and explain Duplication Reports. Keep reading to get the skinny on this vital tool in your ratings toolbox.

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Branding Yourself for Success in Radio Sales

September 1, 2022

What makes you stand out as a radio seller? What characteristics and qualities make you unique? How are you different from other radio sellers in your market?

Let’s be honest … it can be very tough to close business these days (though it’s improving). What are you doing that makes a difference in whether or not you get the sale? The Ratings Experts have some ideas for you.

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