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We Need to Play Offense

July 21, 2022

I am a geek for any kind of survey or questionnaire. I almost always participate for two reasons. First, because getting sample is difficult, and second, because I’m always curious about how questions are constructed.

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Know Your Sample

July 14, 2022

I want to start off by saying this is not a blog post focused on bashing how radio ratings are created. The Nielsen PPM system is currency for our industry, and it is in all of our best interests to see it succeed.

That said, the system as currently constructed has its flaws. The biggest one is sample size. More sample would bring more consistency. However, the radio industry cannot afford to pay for this increase, and Nielsen certainly will not do it for free (nor should they). Read More…

Back to Basics: Show Your Station’s Targetability with Composition Reports

July 7, 2022

Are you having difficulties convincing an advertiser that you are the right station for reaching their target consumer? This is most likely even harder if you are not a top-ranked station. What can you do to prove the value of your listeners?

We have a few ideas for you …

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Reach & Frequency with a K.I.S.S.

June 29, 2022

How often have you started to create a schedule for an advertiser and wondered about Reach and Frequency? Which one is more important? When should I focus on REACH and when should the focus be FREQUENCY? Here is a K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple, Stupid) approach.

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Sharing Is Caring

June 22, 2022

As radio programmers, we can become obsessed with our competition. Where do our listeners go when they leave our station? As the most recent Jacobs Media Tech Survey pointed out – all too often they leave for audio sources that are not found on the radio dial.

Until we have a “one-ring-to-rule-them-all” audio measurement system, we can only track our listeners to other radio stations.

There is value in tracking listening within our own ecosystem. And there are some valuable – and easy to use – tools available for you to do just that.

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