May 12, 2022
What does Reach and Frequency really mean to the advertiser? And what’s the difference between Gross Rating Points (GRPs) and Gross Impressions (GIs)? What are the most important estimates to show on my schedule?
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May 5, 2022
There are so many ways in which you can become (and stay) a great advocate for Radio. One way you can continue your quest is by keeping up with the latest research that supports Radio’s benefits.
Here are some nuggets to add to your Radio Advocacy toolbox…
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May 3, 2022
Can you recite the main benefits of radio advertising without notes? Can you compare and contrast the value of your audience vs. that of other media? Do you know the strengths of each radio station in your market? Or which stations are the best mix to reach the advertiser’s target consumer? If so, then you are a true advocate for the Radio industry.
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April 21, 2022
Recycling is not only good for our planet, it is an essential tool in enhancing your ratings. Before we dive into some of the data, let’s take a step back to the basics.
Your audience share is based on Average Quarter Hours (AQH). AQH is a combination of cume and Time Spent Listening (TSL). Yes, we know the technical term in PPM markets is Average Weekly Time Exposed (AWTE), but us old schoolers want you to just get off our lawn.
TSL is composed of two data points…
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April 14, 2022
Propensity? Likelihood? Index? What does all of this mean and how can I use it in selling my station? Now that you are a pro at using Target Persons and % of Target (see last week’s blog), let’s focus on Index. Index is the third main term we use in selling with qualitative data and can be used with both local direct and agency accounts.
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