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A Blast from the Qualitative Past

June 19, 2014

Americans’ lives have changed drastically over the past 15 years. Arbitron and now Nielsen Audio has had to respond to those changes through an ever-evolving radio ratings service. Today we put our focus on the qualitative diary, utilized in well over 100 radio metros, by comparing a diary from 1998 to one from last year.

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A Discussion About Ratings Compression

June 4, 2014

There has been a perception that Arbitron’s (now Nielsen) transition to PPM in the country’s largest markets has resulted in ratings compression. It is a hard idea to refute when you look at an AQH rating ranker and find multiple stations tied with a 0.5 (for example), and often only 0.1 or 0.2 of a rating point can separate a dozen radio stations in a given market. If you accept the notion that perception is reality, then all of these stations are tied, and on a cost per point basis there is no difference.

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The New Realities of Political Advertising on Television

May 22, 2014

Over the past few years, political ad spending has exploded. From local to presidential, political campaigns have long used television to get their message out. The 2012 presidential election saw the two major candidates and their supporters spend nearly a billion dollars on television advertising, after Rick Santorum dropped out of the Republican primaries on April 11, 2012.

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Shocking News Flash – Radio Works for Advertisers!

May 8, 2014

We always knew it was true. Now comes news that Nielsen has used its capability to match actual exposure to radio ads with actual consumer purchase information to prove it. Every dollar spent on radio gives an average of more than $6 of incremental sales1. Not only does radio work for advertisers, it provides “an ROI double that of even the best results from many recent studies of digital and TV media2.” Read More…

Radio Needs to Be the 800-Pound Gorilla

May 1, 2014

After nearly a century in business, many feel that radio suffers from an inferiority complex. If broadcasters don’t talk about what makes our medium great, no one else will. Don’t expect the TV or the digital-only sales rep to talk about radio’s advantages – that is our job.

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