August 15, 2024
I got my haircut last week. That may not be the most compelling opening line for a blog, but bear with me. I went to a new barber shop and was paired with a 20-something woman. When I told her I worked in the radio industry, she said:
“Do people still listen to the radio?” Read More…
August 8, 2024
We’re back! Yes, The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC. – in league with the math magicians from XTRENDS – are here to wrap up the JULY survey. A book most notable for the annual celebration of our country’s birth. When we threw off the yoke of British oppression and, well, kind of made things up. And you would think that we are alone in celebrating our independence in this specific month. Well, you would be wrong.
Did you know that there at least 19 other countries that also celebrate shedding the shackles of colonization in JULY? It’s true (and the Internet is never wrong). Among those blowing out birthday candles this month are Belgium, the Maldives, Burundi and Australia. Wonder how many celebrate with fireworks and cookouts?
The JULY ratings period ran from JUNE 20TH through JULY 17TH and unfolded thusly…
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August 7, 2024
As the chants of “USA, USA, USA” cascade in the background, The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC – along with the Olympic-level mathletes from XTRENDS – are ready to bring you the thrills of victory and the agonies of defeat from the JULY survey. We have already witnessed the procession to the podium of our first 10 markets. It is now time to see who the medal winners are in this round of the competition.
This survey ran from JUNE 20TH through JULY 17TH. It featured the end of mandatory school attendance, the beginning of the vacation season and, of course, a federal holiday that had the potential to mess with two weeks of your data. It really stinks when reality intrudes on our nicely ordered radio universe. Speaking of reality, let’s get on with the show.
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August 6, 2024
Welcome back to the continuing saga of “How The Ratings Turn.” The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC. – in a committed relationship with the algorithmic artists from XTRENDS – bring you the latest installment of the JULY survey. This one ran from JUNE 20TH through JULY 17TH. The most notable occurrence during that span was the INDEPENDENCE DAY holiday. That one happened on day one of week two and had the potential to wreak havoc with meter keepers. And, as we say with Part I, this is the time of year when cume levels tend to drop. After all, whether we want to believe it or not, panelists have actual lives. They are not consumed by the daily comings and goings of radio like we are. They should be, of course, but it is not our place to judge.
Now, on with the countdown…
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August 5, 2024
Welcome to JULY! Yeah, we know, in the real world we are actually in AUGUST. But in the NIELSEN multiverse, we are constantly going boldly forward into the past. The subject of our latest four-part series on the ratings fates and fortunes of countless radio stations began its journey on JUNE 20TH and reached the end of the road on JULY 17TH. So it’s really JULY“ish”.
The July book was buried deeply in the dog days of summer when meter keepers nationwide were abandoning their posts for some much-deserved rest and relaxation. This can have a dramatic effect on weekend numbers as you could have a heavy household absent for half the available weekends. Something worth keeping an eye on. However, The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC. – along with our partners in forensic science from XTRENDS – are here to look at the big picture. Here’s how it played out:
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