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Effective Presentation Skills

Effective Presentation Skills

While not 100% extinct, it is less likely that you will have the opportunity to present a potential advertiser or media buyer with an extensive multi-page deck to pitch your station and the opportunity you are offering the advertiser. However, the rules of an effective presentation are still imperative.

They are simply:

  • Tell them what you are going to tell them
  • Tell it to them
  • Tell them what you have told them

It may seem old-fashioned and out of date, but it is still Sales 101. Why is this?

Remember, frequency sells. By using this simple structure, you are getting a three frequency in just one conversation. When you add the appropriate follow-up, your frequency is now four.

So how, in a world where everyone seems to have ADD, do you convert what used to be a 20-page PowerPoint deck into a verbal elevator pitch – even though it may not be in an elevator? Here is a brief example. Let’s say you have a retailer who is looking to increase store traffic to their stores. After the introduction and the required small talk, you start with your pitch:

  • “We have created a customized plan that will drive traffic to your store and increase your store’s revenue.” – You are telling them what you are going to tell them.
  • “We are going to increase your store traffic with a series of tools that have been tailored to your needs. They are …” – You are telling it to them.
  • “As you can see, this plan, designed especially for you, will drive traffic to your store, which should result in higher sales.” – You are telling them what you just told them.

Using this method, you can cover all three elements of a formal sales pitch in just a few minutes. Incorporate these simple and effective presentation skills and watch your sales grow!