Fighting Perception with Facts
Fighting Perception with Facts
Fake news aside, we live in a data-driven business world. Having effective, well-sourced facts is the best way to counter misconceptions. This is no more true than when a radio sales rep is trying to get non-radio advertisers to take advantage of our audience. Combating perceptions with facts can make the difference between a win and a loss. So, what facts are most important to help grow the radio pie? This essay, Fighting Perceptions with Facts, will help you understand the facts that will help you win.
When someone would announce their feelings or perceptions, Joe Friday, one of the primary characters from the 1960’s show Dragnet, was famous to say, “Just the facts, ma’am.” One cannot overemphasize the importance of dispelling a misperception with convincing facts.
It is unfortunate to say that numerous non-radio advertisers are under the belief that nobody listens to radio anymore. This single misperception can stop an advertiser from even considering an investment in your station. This is especially true for those advertisers who wish to reach millennials or Gen Zers. By not being prepared to address this false belief, the war is lost before the battle even begins.
When this false perception is voiced, it is important that you, as a radio marketer, be prepared with facts…just the facts.
The RAB has exceptional national data on radio listenership. However, nothing beats facts (data) that are specific to your market. We all know that over 90 percent of your market tunes to the radio in an average week. Does the decision maker know this? Driving that reach down to the business owner’s retail area makes your addressing the false perception even more effective.
Besides weekly reach, it can also be valuable to show radio’s incredible reach by daypart. This is especially true for retailers who are concerned about weekends. In a typical market, the facts prove that weekends are a very important and healthy day part for radio.
While weekly reach is impactful, it can also be valuable to show daily reach. This data is easily accessible to Nielsen subscribers in PPM markets. Often two-thirds of a given group tunes to the radio in an average day. That is an impressive number.
Combat incorrect perceptions with indisputable facts. Telling the story in a professional manner is next.