Growing Sales in a Tight Labor Market – Part 2
Growing Sales in a Tight Labor Market – Part 2
In our last article, we discussed going after recruitment dollars to capitalize on a tight labor market. Once you have 1) determined the industries and specific businesses to prospect and 2) identified the decision makers, you will need to MAKE YOUR CASE for Radio and your station.
This last step can go in several directions depending on the prospect. Have they used Radio in the past? Advertised on Radio for recruitment or to promote their business? What relationship do you and the station have with this recruitment prospect? If you have history, then this is a great time to build on that to show yourself as a recruitment tool for their business. If you have no history with the prospect, then you will need to do some digging to find out their recruitment history as well as to research their business.
What should you include in your pitch? The main focus should be to show how your station reaches the ideal candidate they want to hire, and that you are more cost-efficient than their current recruitment efforts. Consider the following items:
- Profile of their ideal candidate.
- How your station reaches this ideal target (number of people and % of audience looking for a job, planning to change jobs, current job position, etc.) –this can be found in your qualitative information.
- Why Radio? – creating demand to those not actively looking. Show at-work and in-car listening.
- Proposed schedule – use prime dayparts, yet consider nights to reach those currently working night shifts (they might want to change).
- A great closing statement! – succinctly state why you are a great partner for the prospect.
Radio is an effective medium for recruitment. Be excited and confident about how Radio can help these employers fill their job vacancies and grow their businesses. Show them you are their first resource for their recruitment needs, and you will close more sales in this tight labor market!
If you have any success stories to share or need help building your recruiting category, please contact me.