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Hot Topics

Hot Topics

Posting Should Follow the Same Rules as Baseball

March 21, 2013

As Americans are gearing up for baseball, there appears to be a new wave of agencies demanding that radio “post” their buys. While these two concepts may appear to be completely unrelated, broadcasters can apply what they know about America’s great pastime to the battle that is known as posting. While we at Research Director, Inc. believe that posting overcomplicates the transaction, we’d like to share some basic rules to follow if it becomes a necessity.

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Ideas for Customer Service Excellence – Part 3

March 14, 2013

In a world where everything we consume, including advertising to a certain extent, is becoming a commodity, why should a business decision maker choose to work with you? Customer service is one of the key differentiators. Are you doing everything you can to make it easier for your customers to do business with you? The goal is for your advertisers to understand and recognize the benefit of having you on their team.

This week we continue our Hot Topics series on Customer Service Excellence.

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Ideas for Customer Service Excellence – Part 2

February 28, 2013

In a world where everything we consume, including advertising to a certain extent, is becoming a commodity, why should a business decision maker choose to work with you? Customer service is one of the key differentiators. Are you doing everything you can to make it easier for your customers to do business with you? The goal is for your advertisers to understand and recognize the benefit of having you on their team.

This week we continue our Hot Topics series on Customer Service Excellence.

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What Radio Can Learn from the Movies

February 21, 2013

In the 1980s VCRs burst onto the scene. Now people could watch movies at home, without commercial interruption, when they wanted. Many proclaimed this advancement the death of the movie theater. Over the past 33 years, a lot has changed. People’s televisions have gone from a 19” tube to a 60” high-definition flat screen with theater-like surround sound. There are numerous commercial-free movie channels, and on-demand video is now available to most Americans.

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Ideas for Customer Service Excellence – Part 1

February 13, 2013

In a world where everything we consume, including advertising to a certain extent, is becoming a commodity, why should a business decision maker choose to work with you? Customer service is one of the key differentiators. Are you doing everything you can to make it easier for your customers to do business with you? The goal is for your advertisers to understand and recognize the benefit of having you on their team.

This week we begin a series of Hot Topics with ideas to help you provide excellent customer service.

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