July 28, 2016
Society today seems to be centered around one generation, Millennials. Because of the internet, Millennials have more power than any generation before them. Without ever leaving the house, they can dictate trends, consume media, make their voice heard around the world, and even create media. Whether or not Millennials are actually making a difference, society thinks they have the capability to and thus they are the demographic everyone wants to reach. And the way to reach this generation? Social media.
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July 12, 2016
One thing that remains true to this day is the power Radio can have when present and engaged in what is occurring in and around our communities. With the recent tragic events taking place across our country, whether human or weather-related, the people need to hear from their local officials, police chiefs, community leaders, RADIO PERSONALITIES, etc. Listeners also need to hear from those directly affected so their stories can be heard and understood. This open dialogue, when done with respect, integrity, and compassion, can lead to a better understanding. It can also hopefully lead to what one can do as a concerned community resident. That can range from how can I help those in need, how can we hold those accountable, where am I going to get clean water, how can I get help for my displaced family, to how can I keep my children/family safe.
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June 30, 2016
Westwood One put together an 18 page presentation that was designed to help the radio industry understand the relationship between the perceived and actual audience size of AM/FM radio and streaming services. On page 17 of the presentation, the conclusion page, it states that “The radio industry needs to do a better job of telling our story.”
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June 16, 2016
As divided as opinions over candidates may be, as raucous as the sound bites may get – there is still something Americans can agree on during this election cycle – radio is the clear winner for getting your political message to the voters who count.
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June 2, 2016
In the two and a half years since Nielsen took over Arbitron, they have released numerous studies and papers highlighting the strength of radio and its value to both listeners and advertisers. At the same time, industry leaders, such as Pierre Bouvard at Westwood One, have compiled effective slide decks about the value of radio. I commend their openness to share these decks with the industry. We at Research Director, Inc. have armed our clients with similar ammunition demonstrating why radio remains a vibrant form of audio entertainment and a desirable option for advertisers.
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