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To Simulcast, or Not to Simulcast, That Is the Question.

September 26, 2013

There is an ongoing discussion in the industry about the pros and cons of simulcasting your broadcast content on your internet stream. With apologies to Mr. Shakespeare, we thought it would be helpful to explore some of the issues in detail to help you make this important business decision.
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Don’t Ignore Your Weekends!

September 19, 2013

If weekends aren’t playing a significant role in your radio advertising campaigns, you are missing a tremendous opportunity to reach your target consumers as they prepare to make purchasing decisions. There’s no better time than on the weekend to reach consumers who are grocery shopping, eating at restaurants, deciding what to do and where to go with their families, working on home improvements, and so many other weekend activities that result in a purchase or expenditure.

Is anyone listening to radio during the Weekends? ABSOULTELY!

Now You Just Need to Prove It to Your Advertisers.

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The Importance of a Client Needs Analysis, Writing Presentations, and Closing the Sale

September 12, 2013

Why a Client Needs Analysis?

While it is important to provide the prospective client with as much information as you can, it is also important to find out as much as possible about their business. The best way to do this is by conducting a Client Needs Analysis. The basis for conducting the client needs analysis is simply to identify the client’s needs and objectives. It will also give you and the client the opportunity to brainstorm and create a plan or strategy that the client can clearly see will take care of their needs and objectives.

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Demystifying PPM Sample Terminology

September 5, 2013

PPM isn’t exactly new on the scene, but are there some terms that you just never quite wrapped your brain around? Let’s see if we can clear things up. Open up your eBook and let’s dig in.

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Prospecting and Getting the Appointment

August 29, 2013

Prospecting is based on a simple principle: The more that you do it, the greater your chances of reaping rewards. As a radio sales professional, you will have key accounts for which you are responsible. However, in order to be successful in the radio sales arena, it is important to recognize you have to keep current clients happy as well as add new clients to your sales portfolio.

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