Impressive Impressions
Impressive Impressions
Making radio simple to advertisers that aren’t familiar with the medium is more important than ever before. Being able to convey the benefits of a radio campaign is essential to successfully closing a new client.
Radio has numerous advantages. As someone who spends his days focused on audience levels, it’s important to answer this question: How many times will a message be heard? It is best to have that answer before the question is asked.
For years, radio, like television, has used GRPs and CPP as our currency. However, explaining these concepts to the unexperienced advertiser can be difficult. Frankly, it still often befuddles veteran advertisers.
In the past, we have written about the advantage of using Gross Impressions (GI) and Cost per Thousand (CPM). Digital advertising has advanced the usage of these metrics so many potential new radio advertisers are familiar with the concepts.
Like everything in sales, positioning is critical. With Gross Impressions, it’s important to distinguish that this is the number of times the commercial is heard, not the number of unique people hearing the commercial. If someone hears the commercial five times, they are counted all five times.
One great advantage of selling Gross Impressions this way is that dayparts are no longer a factor. An impression made during overnights is the same as an impression made in AM Drive. Simply put: an impression is an impression is an impression.
Also, avoid focusing on a specific target demographic group. Use the broadest age range you can. Aim for Persons 6+ in PPM markets and Persons 12+ in diary markets. The goal is simply to offer the potential advertiser the biggest legitimate number available. Why omit impressions that the advertiser is getting by narrowing the demo?
Finally, there’s the cost element. Instead of quoting the entire cost of the schedule, let the prospect know what it will cost per 1,000 impressions. This is typically a low number, often less than a fast food meal.
By using Gross Impressions and Cost per Thousand, you can position your station or cluster as an outlet that delivers the advertiser’s message repeatedly at a low cost.