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Radio: Alive and Kicking in 2012
June 28, 2012
Charlie Sislen, President of Research Director, Inc., recently spoke at the annual conference of the New Jersey Broadcasters Association. His presentation was entitled “Radio: Alive and Kicking,” and was a review of the present state of radio listening in the United States.
The presentation outlines the amazing changes that have occurred in both lifestyle and entertainment in the past 40 years. A prime example is that, in 1972, the typical American had access to just three television networks (CBS, NBC, and ABC). Today, Americans have several hundred choices every time they turn on the television. Another change that has massively influenced American lives has been the growth and evolution of the internet. The impact of our digital society has changed just about every aspect of people’s lives. More importantly, it is evolving at breakneck speed.
These changes have resulted in an explosion of advertising options. Beyond the traditional “big three” options of newspaper, television, and radio, advertising choices like SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and social media are changing how advertisers touch consumers. The presentation outlines the advantages and drawbacks of traditional advertising outlets and many of these new forms of advertising.
With the advent of these new entertainment/advertising outlets, many have questioned the value of traditional media for both consumers and advertisers. Broadcast television and newspaper have recently experienced significant audience declines. Conversely, radio remains a relevant choice for both consumers and advertisers.
Radio has done an exceptional job of adjusting audio content to keep up with changes in lifestyles. As commutes became longer, radio stations added more traffic reports. While most radio listening still comes from terrestrial towers, radio stations have successfully transferred their content to the digital platform. Radio has always been everywhere the consumer wants it. That is truer now than ever before, as most radio stations can be heard on a computer, smartphone, tablet, or any other device that has internet capabilities.
Check out the full presentation here.