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Radio Connects with “Green” Consumers
June 3, 2012
These days, an environmentally-conscious mentality has become the trend. This is a great opportunity for Radio, as our industry has been challenged to help our advertisers connect with the eco-friendly consumer, and to highlight radio’s tremendous ability to reach these individuals.
At Research Director, Inc., now more than ever, we are being asked by our clients: What kind of information is available on “green” consumers in my market? What is the basic demographic profile of these individuals and how does my station or cluster do at reaching them?
We work closely with our clients to develop presentations that not only profile these “green” consumers, but also show how Radio can effectively reach them. The ultimate goal is to show how Radio is a key component of any marketing campaign directed towards eco-friendly consumers.
We have found that qualitative services like Scarborough Research can be a tremendous resource for answering questions that advertisers are now focusing on when trying to engage with the green-natured consumer. Categories now available in Scarborough that fall under the criteria of eco-friendly activities include:
- Buy eco-friendly household cleaning products
- Buy locally grown food
- Buy organic food
- Donate money/time to environmental causes
- Drive less/use alternative transportation
- Have energy efficient windows
- Pay more for eco-friendly products/services
- Recycle electronics (cell phones, etc.)
- Recycle glass, plastic, or paper
- Support politicians based on environmental position
- Use cloth or other reusable shopping bags
- Use energy efficient light bulbs
- Use less water at home
- Use rechargeable batteries
- Number of eco-friendly activities done on regular basis
The Media Audit also has “green” categories, such as:
- Buy Green-Good for the Environment regularly
- Buy Green-Good for the Environment occasionally
When your advertisers ask for “green,” be sure to check the qualitative information that you already have. You may have local-market information at your fingertips that could establish you as a “go-to” resource for this important category. As always, if you need guidance or suggestions on the best courses of action, our consultants at Research Director, Inc. can help you put together a winning presentation!
-Nicole Somerville, Sales Research Consultant