Hot Topics
Some Impressive “Power of Radio” Stories from Arbitron
June 19, 2012
We have been impressed with the variety of impactful new sales materials that Arbitron has been adding to its website, demonstrating the power of radio. Have you seen these and added them to your arsenal of pro-radio stories?
More than ever, radio sellers need to know and be able to speak about the medium’s tremendous strengths. We stress to our customers that it’s not enough to discuss radio’s strengths in general terms. We need to use current data to substantiate our claims, and discuss how listeners are using radio today, in 2012. The pro-radio stories from Arbitron, complemented by the customized materials that Research Director, Inc. can provide for your market and station(s), result in a tremendously powerful sales presentation.
Here is an example of what you can find on Arbitron’s website. At www.arbitron.com/home/radiotoday_bynumbers.htm, Arbitron recently posted “Radio Today by the Numbers.” This complements their annual Radio Today report and is a series of one-page PDFs that each focus on a key benefit of radio.
In “Radio Today by the Numbers,” you’ll find pages showcasing radio’s unique benefits such as:
- 241 million American adults listen to radio each week (93% of everyone in the country)
- Americans listen to radio for more than 14.6 billion hours each month
- Nearly 70% of Americans tune in to radio each day, for an average of 2 hours and 41 minutes
- Americans spend more than 2/3 of their audio entertainment time with Radio (versus about 5% with internet streaming and 11% using iPods/MP3s)
- Almost 50% of fast food patrons tune to radio during their lunch hour, nearly twice the next closest medium, TV
- Prime Shopping Hours…Radio reaches 90% of Americans on the radio between 6am and 7pm during the work week
There are stories about radio’s reach with Hispanics (95% each week) and African Americans (93%). One page highlights radio’s impact on five branding attributes.
Even with all of the available audio options available, radio continues to thrive. These pages will help you tell that story. Here in Hot Topics, we’ll be focusing on the pro-radio pieces that Arbitron has made available, as they are too compelling to ignore and too important to not have available when speaking with advertisers.
-Frank Stanitski, Vice President of Operations