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10 Good Reasons to Advertise on the Radio
October 11, 2012
Since the world’s first successful radio broadcast on Christmas Eve, 1906, the industry has evolved into one of the most popular forms of media outlets consumers turn to. Radio’s consumer base has a loyal and emotional one-on-one relationship with their favorite station and its personalities. It is a place where consumers can go to make an effective connection with their community. It is a trustworthy and reliable medium. In short, Radio is free to its users; it is everywhere; and it is a very diverse and flexible medium with a format for consumers of all ages, races, and educational and financial backgrounds.
Ten good reasons any advertiser should use Radio as their medium of choice, courtesy of the Radio Advertising Bureau:
- Radio sells with immediacy – it is the medium that easily reaches its target consumer prior to making purchases.
- Radio sells everywhere – it is truly a mobile medium that consumers can take with them anywhere they go.
- Radio sells with intimacy – it is a tool best used by advertisers to communicate to the emotional side of its target audience.
- Radio stars in the theatre of the mind – a creative component that utilizes sounds to paint images in the mind of its target consumers.
- Radio escapes advertising’s clutter – as it devotes less than 1/5 of its time to ads, which is considerably less than other traditional mediums.
- Radio is the cost-effective medium – while the rates of other media outlets continue to increase and their usage declines, radio’s advertising cost has grown less than any other form of advertising.
- Reach is nice, but frequency sells – while other forms of advertising are reach media…the strength of Radio is that it is the affordable choice for advertisers to get their point across to their target audience effectively and as often as possible.
- Radio’s targeted advertising sells – with various formats, Radio is the obvious choice for pinpointing advertising with stations that best match your clients’ target interests.
- You’re always on the front page with RADIO – as your message captures the attention of your target audience, you will never be surrounded by the competition’s ads.
- Radio is an active medium in an active society – generating attention, while triggering the emotion of your consumer base; it is the best choice for actively creating demand for your products and services in the marketplace.
-Nicole Somerville, Sales Research Consultant
Source: RAB.com