Hot Topics
Ideas for Customer Service Excellence – Part 6
April 25, 2013
In a world where everything we consume, including advertising to a certain extent, is becoming a commodity, why should a business decision maker choose to work with you? Customer service is one of the key differentiators. Are you doing everything you can to make it easier for your customers to do business with you? The goal is for your advertisers to understand and recognize the benefit of having you on their team.
This week we continue our Hot Topics series on Customer Service Excellence.
As a reminder, we’ve divided these ideas into seven general categories:
R = Reliable
A(c) = Accountable
I = Integrated
O = Outstanding
A(p) = Appreciation
E = Extra Mile
Two weeks ago we shared some customer service ideas to make your company outstanding, to help you stick out from the pack of vendors trying to get your potential client’s attention and business. What happens after a meeting or the sale is just as important for future business as what led to the sale in the first place. This week we’ll share some ideas for showing your clients that you appreciate their business.
- Send some form of thank you for every order. It may seem old fashioned, but thank you cards stick out from an e-mail inbox filled with hundreds of messages a day.
- Send appropriate small gifts for special orders (could be a small first order from a new customer or a large annual commitment from a major advertiser).
- Have the station manager mail an annual thank you letter to every customer, including a brief customer service questionnaire.
- Recognize your best customers and provide them with special treatment. Make the best customers feel like radio station insiders. Have a direct, one-on-one marketing relationship with your best customers.
- As appropriate, welcome new advertisers to the station with a recorded on-air mention.
- Have high profile station personalities send a personalized autographed photo to new advertisers.
- Host customer appreciation events, such as luncheons, golf/tennis outings, cruises. Provide station appreciation awards for every advertiser.
- Treat your national sales representative like a customer. Send them thank you notes and station promotional goodies.
- Recognize/award specific customers for outstanding marketing campaigns.
- Look for opportunities to refer business to your clients.
- Send acknowledgements for important life events such as a wedding, having a baby, a promotion.
- Make a charitable contribution in honor of your client.
When you focus on making the client feel that their business is appreciated, they’re more likely to want to continue to work with you in the future. This type of excellent customer service makes you stand out from the pack, and it gives you an opportunity to continue the conversation and move the business relationship to the next level. Tune in two weeks from now when we focus on our next category, going the “Extra Mile.” We’ll share specific ideas to help you strengthen your client relationships.
-Marc Greenspan, Partner