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The Radio Advantage: Free, Convenient, and Mobile
February 6, 2014
These days, marketers seem to have an almost endless array of outlets in which to advertise. With the explosion in channels, programs, and options, it can be easy to lose sight of one of advertising’s most important elements, and that is the end users.
So what are the rewards to the operators of today’s variety of media outlets that give its end users the motivation to consider them as the preferred choice?
While most try to label Radio as a thing of the past, the truth is that RADIO continues to be the world’s most popular medium and fills a void unlike no other. For its users, the benefits are endless … often times providing a great source of inspiration. Let’s face it, Radio has been there during key events in all of our lives; entertaining and keeping us informed when we need it most. In short, Radio is the medium that remains very relevant in our day-to-day lives.
Some of the key advantages of Radio are the fact that it is convenient and mobile, not to mention FREE for its users. While an impactful message is key to any advertising campaign success, it is just as important to get the message out and engage your target consumers … the end user. How can a message be acted upon and what value does it have if it is not heard? If you’re looking for significant, measurable results from your marketing dollars, look to RADIO.
Let’s take a moment to examine these key components that keep this medium strong and a top option for its users:
- RADIO IS MOBILE – Radio is everywhere and always there when we need it the most. It is the only true mobile medium. Its users listen to Radio at home, in their cars, at work, and at play. No other medium is as widely utilized in as many different places as Radio.
- RADIO IS CONVENIENT – Even in this digital era, Radio is the medium that dominates “mindshare” just before the point of purchase is made, typically reaching consumers within hours of their largest purchase of the day. Can there be a better time to reach customers than in their cars while they are driving to do today’s shopping? Radio continues to be a strong medium, always close at hand and accessible to its users, and providing current information on products and services in the marketplace.
- RADIO IS FREE – Let’s face it: there are not many things in life that are FREE! Radio is the one medium that you can still count on to be there no matter when and where you are to keep you in the loop with current events, weather, not to mention the latest on music and entertainment. It was the only communication that dependably continued after all the power grids, cell phone, and other infrastructure collapsed during one of our country’s most tragic events and disasters.
Even with the media landscape changing daily, radio continues to offer great benefits to its all-important end users; it reaches the masses, a captive audience ready to engage and hear your message.
-Nicole Somerville, Sales Research Consultant