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#RadioMatters #NowHashtagThat #ResearchDirectorIncShowsOnlyTheTruth
March 10, 2016
So do we, as an industry, continue to allow people to say “Oh, Radio has died,” “No one listens to Radio anymore,” “Radio is so antiquated,” or do we finally fight back and show them the data of how ALIVE, KICKING, VIBRANT RADIO really STILL is?!?
If no one is listening to radio anymore, why does the data show that Radio is the #1 medium among Adults? Radio is not only the #1 medium among Adults 18+ in the U.S., Radio even reaches MORE consumers than TV and Tech among the sought-after 18-34 year olds (millennials).
Radio has a solid, I mean solid, position in time spent with electronic devices. The average U.S. Adult spends nearly 13 hours with Radio each week. Adults in the U.S. are spending more time with Radio than they are with using any apps/web on a smartphone or using the Internet on a computer. So, maybe that shiny new toy is not as effective as we may think it is.
In addition, Radio is the #1 medium in the U.S. that will reach the consumer right before the point of purchase. 90% of purchasing decisions are made the day of purchase, 70% just prior to purchase. More than eight out of ten (82%) of all shopping trips are unplanned shopping – no one knows what’s for dinner until they’re on the way home. 72% of drivers frequently or sometimes shop on their way home from work. Nearly all (95%) of working people listen to the radio during the day and/or in their cars on the way home each week.
An independent study conducted by Nielsen Audio that looked at four major campaigns, done by four major department store brands showed that Radio delivered $17 in sales for every $1 in advertising spent. This same study also showed that exposure to a radio campaign drove a 10% increase in overall sales, a 3% increase in the total number of buyers, and a 6% increase in dollars spent per buy.
To sum it all up … Radio Just Works! Radio is, has, and will continue to be an important, valuable, and effective medium. Are we going to just lay down and die or are we going to show the data (the TRUTH) about Radio? #RadioMatters #NowHashtagThat #ResearchDirectorIncShowsOnlyTheTruth
-Nakia Smith, Sr. Sales Research Consultant