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Is a Mental Block Such a Bad Thing? … How My Blog Block Sparked an Idea
December 4, 2018
Hello folks … once again it’s my turn to write a blog. UGH!
And the reason for my “UGH!” now (and always) is usually the same … what in the world am I going to write about?????? And, I swear this go around, I had a serious case of blog block. I’ve pondered it long and hard over the past couple of weeks and nothing, seriously, absolutely nothing!
So, with a deadline looming (overdue, in fact), and being the researcher that I am, I googled “blog ideas” in hopes of coming up with a topic. This (among many others) is what I stumbled upon … 47 Blog & Content Ideas for When You Have a Mental Block.
Hopefully, this would be my saving grace, and it’s not until I got to #33 … Things to Do Before You Die Lists … that something finally sparks. And, no, I’m not going to give you any type of bucket list … I don’t have one of those either. But here’s my segue … Lists … Making Lists … How Can Lists Impact Radio? And, that’s when I got this idea.
Have you ever asked your listeners on-air, on your website, or through social media to make a list? For example, your top five restaurants, nightclubs, coffee shops, dream vacations, etc.? Perhaps one of your personalities can get it jump started by posting their own. Not only would this help you get more in touch with your audience, but by compiling the information, you could help your sales team generate revenue.
Are those top five restaurants advertising? If so, use the information as proof their campaign is working and to help boost spending on the next buy. If not, go after those new dollars and use it as proof that your audience is right for their business.
Get your marketing/promotions team involved, and the top dream vacation your audience shares can be the next destination for a prize giveaway, honing in on exactly what they want. Or, partner with a travel agency to provide information and/or a special package on the top three vacation destinations that your audience shares. The possibilities are as limitless as your imagination. Don’t forget to involve your digital team.
Research Director, Inc. can help you with lists too. If you subscribe to Scarborough or Media Audit, we can show you the top auto brands, restaurants, clothing stores, places visited, etc. among your listeners. Simply get in touch with your research consultant and let us know what you need.
Whew, looks like I made it through my blog block. Hopefully I have sparked an idea for you that results in success. If so, we would love to hear about it. And, if any of you need to write a blog, perhaps the resource that worked for me will work for you too.
-Karen Blanks, CRMC, Sales Research Consultant