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Half of All Success Is Just Showing Up
March 3, 2020
Okay, I may be old-fashioned. However, I consider that a positive. Yes, I do use e-mail, conduct webinars, use social media, and text. However, I have the strong conviction, as inconvenient as it may be, that nothing replaces face-to-face human interaction.
While it is more effort than the ease that all these new technologies can offer, nothing beats looking someone in the eye and discussing an issue. This can be a game changer for both sales people and programming people.
Sales – How often has the tone or intent of your digital interaction been misunderstood? Except for ALL CAPS, how often is your emotion conveyed in an e-mail? By showing up, you can look someone in the eye and get a better feel for the true issues. Often you will also uncover needs or opportunities through a casual conversation that would not be discovered by digital interaction. Finally, it shows how truly valuable you are to this client, or more important, prospect. You have taken the time (and maybe travel expense) for a face-to-face meeting. This act alone tells the person that they are important to you. You will build a relationship rather than just being another vendor.
Programming – Programmers and especially on-air personalities are encouraged (to say the least) to post on social media. Yes, social media will reach a large number of people. However, pressing the flesh with the listeners can be even more impactful. Stations often send interns to staff a booth or attend a promotion. However, by showing up, even if management isn’t forcing you to do so, it can help you in two ways. First, it shows a limited number of listeners that you are a real and local part of the station. Remember, in their eyes you are in show business. You will not only impact this listener, but they will tell their friends. Consider it an old-fashioned retweet. Second, listen to what they are talking about. What is on their minds and important to them? This can have an impact the next time you open up the mic to build a bond.
Is it less efficient? Definitely yes. Is is more effective? This old-fashioned guy believes so. NOW GET OFF MY LAWN!
-Charlie Sislen, Partner