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Radio Is Ready to Go
June 9, 2020
As markets start to slowly reopen, a recent Nielsen study shows that radio is a strong choice of those who are characterized as “ready to go.” Nearly one-third of the sample, conducted April 30 through May 2, were classified as “ready to go” – planning to return to commerce faster than the balance of the sample. Over 80% of this group strongly agreed or somewhat agreed that they will resume most normal activities in the next month. When compared to the other two groups:
- 34% of those characterized as “proceed with caution” agreed with this statement
- 5% of those characterized as “wait and see” agreed with this statement
Clearly this “ready to go” segment is who many advertisers need to focus on for their advertising revenue to have the most impact. This is especially true with some of the standard radio advertisers, including:
- Auto dealerships
- Restaurants and other food establishments
- Retail outlets
Westwood One’s summary of the Nielsen study shows that the segment identified as “ready to go” are also heavy radio listeners. In other words, radio is effective in delivering the important segment of the population that we suspect (this survey was done a month ago) is now shopping at retail locations, patronizing restaurants, and spending money all around town.
Previous studies have shown the value of heavy radio listeners in a “normal environment.” What this study shows is that reaching these heavy listeners is even more important in these “non-normal” times.
It’s not as effective to target segments of the population who are staying at home. They are not shopping or buying as much and, therefore, are not as valuable as those who are returning to their previous consumer habits.
While this is important for every sales rep to know and understand, it is crucial to properly frame this to potential advertisers. Since the cost of all advertising has dropped, you must document not only your station’s value, but also the tremendous value of radio. Highlighting the fact that heavy radio listeners are more likely to be out shopping as commerce reopens is a real advantage.
To discuss how you can take these insights and put them into action to increase your station’s revenue, reach out to us here.
-Charlie Sislen, Partner