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Back to Basics: Defend with Duplication
October 6, 2022
Duplication Reports – Part 2
How often have you heard an advertiser say, “I am buying your competitor and already reach your audience”? Do you have a good response to this objection?
Last month, we focused on how to read and use a Duplication Grid report. This month, we walk you through the Duplication Analysis report. This report will help you show the value of including your station on the buy.
Duplicated audience, or audience sharing, refers to the percentage of one station’s cume audience that also listens to another station during a specified daypart. These listeners spend time with more than one radio station.
In Nielsen’s Tapscan software, the Duplication Analysis report allows a more in-depth look at your shared audience with additional information.
Duplication Analysis
Here is a sample Duplication Analysis report. This is the report you want to use for fine-tuning your competitive story.
How to read:
- Read ACROSS the Group total rows. In this example, KAAA-FM reaches 291,300 people during the week (Weekly Cume Persons). 138,200 of these listeners are NOT duplicated with KBBB-FM (Unduplicated Audience), which is 47.4% of their audience (Unduplicated Audience %). 153,200 of KAAA-FM’s audience also listens to KBBB-FM (Duplicated Audience), which is 52.6% of their audience (Duplicated Audience %).
- Analysis Total tells you the total number of listeners (unduplicated) reached by BOTH groups. In this example, 442,400 listeners are reached by KAAA-FM and KBBB-FM combined.
“How do I use this information to get on the buy, especially when I am up against a direct format competitor?”
Direct format competitors will typically see about 40%+ sharing. Focus on the additional reach (Unduplicated Audience) your station brings to the table, as well as the increased frequency achieved by including both stations on the buy. When there is a high amount of duplication, people are more likely to hear the advertiser’s message because they are listening to multiple stations. Support your approach with actual schedules showing the difference between your competitor only versus a schedule with both stations.
This is only one scenario for using Duplication Analysis. You can also look at groups of multiple stations, as well as duplication for one station for different dayparts. We will explore these scenarios in future Hot Topics blogs.
For additional information or help to find your best stories, reach out to us here.
-Karen Morriss, Director of Client Services