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3 Things About 3 Minutes

November 21, 2024

Now that we know that Nielsen will implement the new three-minute guidelines with the January 2025 survey, we can start thinking about the consequences. We already know AQH will rise at both the station and market level. We also know this will be primarily driven by increased AWTE (TSL for the veterans).

As you are likely discussing the possibilities within your station/cluster, here are a few things to watch out for.

Reach/Frequency: This is something your sales department will be grappling with, but it affects programming as well. Right now, you are likely building your power rotations based on how many times those songs reach a certain percentage of your listeners. When the increased AQH becomes a reality, you will find that both those metrics will rise.

This could cause you to think about backing off of those rotations. Don’t do it! That increased AQH is not “new” listening. It has always been there. It will now be included in our actual numbers. If your current rotations are working, why would you change them? You have always reached that “phantom” audience. Backing off of spins may bring reach/frequency back in line with metrics you are accustomed to, but they do not reflect reality.

Of course, if your rotations are not working you can make an informed decision on how to alter them based on more accurate information.

When is that increased AQH occurring? What dayparts are seeing the most lift? Will Nights/Weekends become more relevant? I would encourage you to look at the changes on an hour-by-hour basis. Is that commercial-free hour bigger than you thought it was? Does heavy weekend listening extend beyond the 10A-7P sweet spot? Data will answer those questions.

Who is driving the increased AQH? If you are a Research Director, Inc. client you have access to our Exact Age reports. You already know who your heaviest listeners are. Will they drive the AQH rise? If we go with the anticipated 20-25% increase, will that 37-year-old woman who was giving you 500 quarter hours now generate 600 AQH?

Or will this come from your lighter listeners? When you look at our report, you’ll see a number of age cells that generate zero AQH but do show measurable cume. Remember that all AQH is rounded. Someone that gives you 100 quarter hours really registered something between 50 and 149. Will these lower level listeners now register in the 100 to 200 range? It is something you need to know.

(Quick note: Our reports deal with weighted data. Your CPR reports from Nielsen are unweighted. Weighted is currency. Know the difference.)

Our advice is to let the new system cook for a few months. Prepare for everything but do not make any substantive decisions until you have several months’ worth of data to examine. When the March survey releases in April of 2025, you will have three books of results at your disposal. Compare that to the previous year and you’ll have a good basis of comparison.

If you want to learn more about how we can help you navigate this brave new ratings world, pop us an e-mail. This is the most fundamental change to radio ratings since the introduction of PPM methodology. Are you ready?

-Steve Allan, Programming Research Consultant
