Hot Topics
September 5, 2024
It is hard to believe, but this is the beginning of our twelfth year writing this here missive. It is even harder to accept that it has now been a year since we exited ALL ACCESS and started publishing this as part of our Hot Topics blog. The radio industry still seems a bit hollow without our daily dose of ALL ACCESS.
The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC. – in a close order formation with the data dragoons from XTRENDS – are thrilled to bring you another action-splattered edition of how the ratings turned. Another group of five markets go under the microscope as we continue to parse the results of the AUGUST survey. The markers for this book are JULY 18TH and AUGUST 14TH. There were no holidays but plenty of PTO.
Here is how it unfolded…
Usually, the 6+ section of this market is as predictable as the MARLINS won/loss record (bet the under). And as expected, COX MEDIA Urban AC WHQT (HOT 105) was #1 by a wide margin (9.6-9.8). However, there were two stations that moved up to #2 with their best outings in over a year. iHEARTMEDIA Spanish Adult Hits WMIA (MAGIC 93.9) was previously seen at #5 (4.8-5.9), while SBS Spanish Contemporary WCMQ (Z92.3) crashed the top five party as it arrived from #6 (4.6-5.9). This set off some down chart ripples. TELEVISAUNIVISION Spanish Contemporary WAMR (AMOR 107.5) slid to #4 (5.5-5.3), while AUDACY AC WLYF (101.5 LITE FM) dropped to #5 (5.3-5.2). Exiting the top five was COX MEDIA AC WFEZ (EASY 93.1), which dipped to #6 (4.9-5.1). WFEZ wrested the cume crown from WLYF, thanks to a 2.8% increase (673,100-692,100). The gap between the two stations was less than 10,000. The market grew 0.8%.
There was also some movement in the 25-54 ranks. WMIA rebounded from a down book to capture the demo for the third book in a row. WHQT stepped up to #2 with a slight increase, while WLYF dipped to #3 with a slight decrease. SBS Spanish Tropical WXDJ (EL ZOL 106.7 FM) moved up to #4 with a small share increase, while COX MEDIA Rhythmic AC WFLC (HITS 97.3) moved up to #5 with its best book in over a year. WAMR fell from #4 to #9 with its least productive outing in over a year.
The 18-34 realm was not without drama. Last month COX MEDIA Urban Contemporary WEDR (99 JAMZ) had its four-book winning streak snapped as it slipped to #3. The station regained some of that lost mojo and was back on top once again. Two stations moved up and into a tie at #2. WFEZ got there from #5 with its best book since tinsel was hanging on palm trees. This next one is not a typo. WCMQ vaulted from #18 to that tie at #2, more than tripling its previous number. In the previous survey, WLYF and WHQT were tied at #1. Both stations experienced the exact same huge share loss as they sauntered down to #4. AUDACY Country WKIS (KISS COUNTRY 99.9) slid to #6 with a slight increase. WXDJ fell from #5 to #9 and was tied with AUDACY Rhythmic Oldies WPOW (POWER96)
WMIA had its best 18-49 book in over a year to move back up to #1. This deposed WHQT, which stepped down to #2 as it returned a healthy portion of last month’s share increase. WFEZ rebounded from a down book to move up to #3. It was tied with WCMQ, which advanced from #18 (again, not a typo). WXDJ moved from #7 to #5 with its best showing since MARCH. WLYF slid from #2 to #6, while WEDR fell from #4 to #8.
For the second straight survey, UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON N/T KUOW was #1 6+. The station also landed its largest share in over a year (7.7-8.6). iHEARTMEDIA Classic Rock KZOK was back at #2 as it halted a three-book slide (6.6-7.1). AUDACY Active Rock KISW repeated at #3 (6.4-5.9), while BONNEVILLE N/T KIRO stepped up to #4 with its highest score in over a year (4.9-5.3). AUDACY AC KSWD (94.1 THE SOUND) moved up three places to #5 (4.0-4.3), while iHEARTMEDIA Classic Hits KJEB (95.7 THE JET) descended to #6 with its smallest share since April (5.3-4.2). It was tied with AUDACY Country KKWF (100.7 THE WOLF), which remained in place (4.8-4.2). iHEARTMEDIA Adult Hits KJAQ (96.5 JACK FM) was at #16 (2.4-2.7). Why is that noteworthy? Because the station was #1 in cume with a 0.3% decrease (473,700-472,500). This was made possible in large measure because last month’s #1 station – KZOK – shed 13.6% of its cume. The market was up 0.4%.
The 25-54 leaderboard went through plenty of revisions. iHEARTMEDIA Pop CHR KBKS (HITS 106.1) was off slightly yet rose from #4 to #1. HUBBARD Pop CHR KQMV (MOViN’ 92.5) was back at #2 but with its lowest number since MARCH. Then you had four – count ‘em – four stations at #3. KKWF held steady, while KISW dropped down from #1. Both stations posted their lowest scores in over a year. AUDACY Rhythmic AC KHTP (HOT 103.7) advanced from #6 with a small increase, while AUDACY Alternative KNDD (107.7 THE END) moved up from #7 with its third up book in a row. FRIENDS OF KEXP Alternative KEXP fell from #5 to #9 with its lowest mark in over a year. It was paired with LOTUS Country KPLZ (101.5 HANK FM).
As with the previous demo, KBKS went from #4 to #1 18-34. The station also hit double digits. KQMV was back at #2. The station tried to keep pace with its best book since JANUARY but was about a half-share off the lead. KISW repeated at #3 with a small decrease and was hanging out with its cluster bruh KNDD, which rose from #6 with its highest share since MARCH. KJEB dipped to #5 as it gave back almost all of last month’s large share increase. In JULY KKWF rose from #9 to #1. This time the station sank back to #7 and was tied with KHTP and KJAQ.
KQMV was #1 18-49 for the fifth book in a row but with its smallest share since MARCH. KBKS was off slightly but stepped up to #2 and within striking distance of the leader. KNDD moved up two slots to #3 with its third up book in a row. KISW slipped to #4, while KHTP advanced three places to #5. KKWF dipped to #6 with its lowest score in over a year. KEXP dropped from #5 into a tie at #7 with BONNEVILLE Sports KIRO-A (SEATTLE SPORTS 710AM).
PHOENIX: It’s So Easy
To the surprise of absolutely no one, iHEARTMEDIA AC KESZ (99.9 KEZ) was #1 6+ once again. The station also had its best book since MARCH (9.5-10.1). HUBBARD Classic Rock KSLX was #2 for eighth straight survey (8.3-6.1), while iHEARTMEDIA Adult Hits KYOT (95.5 THE MOUNTAIN) repeated at #3 with its lowest score since FEBRUARY (5.3-4.6). HUBBARD Active Rock KUPD and iHEARTMEDIA N/T KFYI-A had been tied at #6. KUPD moved up to #4 (3.8-4.5), while KFYI-A ended up at #5 (3.8-4.2). HUBBARD Alternative KDKB (ALT AZ 93.3) dipped to #6 (4.0-4.1), while AUDACY Classic Hits KOOL (BIG 94.5) slid to #7 (4.2-3.9). KESZ padded its cume lead with a 15.3% increase (736,500-849,100). The market added 0.2%.
KESZ turned it up to eleven 25-54 wins in a row and hit double figures for the second straight survey. KUPD bounced back from a down book as it rose from #5 to #2. It was still more than three and a half shares off the lead. KDKB stepped up to #3 with a slight decrease, while KSLX slid to #4 as it surrendered all of last month’s large increase – plus a little extra. KYOT moved down to #5 with its second down book in a row. Keep an eye on ENTRAVISION Mexican Regional KLNZ (LA TRICOLOR 103.5 FM) as it leapt from #19 to #7.
Not only did KESZ win the 18-34 contest for the second book in a row, but the station also crashed through the double-digit barrier. AUDACY Pop CHR KALV (LIVE 101.5) landed its largest share in over a year as it rose from #5 to #2. KDKB dipped to #3 with its smallest offering since APRIL, while KUPD leapt from #10 to #4 as it halted a three-book slide. KYOT slid to #5 where it was introduced to SIERRA H Rhythmic AC KZCE (101.1 THE BOUNCE). Both stations had down books. KOOL and AUDACY Country KMLE were previously an item at #5. KOOL met up with iHEARTMEDIA Hot AC KMXP (MIX 96.9) at #8, and KMLE landed at #10.
Lucky KESZ. The station was #1 18-49 for the 13th book in a row and hit double-digits for the second straight survey. KUPD advanced from #6 to #2 as it ended a five-book slide. It trailed the leader by five shares. KDKB was back at #3 with a slight decrease, while KZCE stepped up to #4 with its third up book in a row. KSLX dropped from #2 to #5 and was tied with KALV, which arrived from #12. KYOT slid from #4 to #7.
Shameless plug: Our Exact Age and Hot Zip reports can help you pinpoint where your AQH is coming from and who is providing it (no, we do not have names and addresses – nice try). You should really check them out.
DETROIT: Yeah, That’s The Ticket
We can be reasonably sure that the reason AUDACY Sports WXYT (97.1 THE TICKET) moved up to #1 6+ had virtually nothing to do with the TIGERS’ performance in the AL CENTRAL but we could be wrong. WXYT had its best book since APRIL (7.8-8.5) and added another 1.5 share from its stream. This snapped the three-book winning streak for iHEARTMEDIA AC WNIC, which dipped to #2 (8.2-7.3). AUDACY Country WYCD repeated at #3 but with its lowest score since JANUARY (7.6-6.4). Meanwhile, cluster sibling AUDACY Classic Hits WOMC landed its largest share since SEPTEMBER as it rose from #8 to #4 (5.3-6.1). BEASLEY Classic Rock WCSX dipped to #5 with its lowest mark in over a year (6.4-5.9). It was tied with iHEARTMEDIA Pop CHR WKQI (CHANNEL 955), which stepped up from #6 (5.7-5.9). iHEARTMEDIA Urban AC WMXD (MIX 92.3) slid to #7 (6.4-5.6). WNIC was still the cume leader (939,700-937,400) – a 0.2% decrease. The market grew by 2.3%.
WXYT had its best 25-54 book since JANUARY as it advanced from #3 to #1. WNIC was back at #2 with a small decrease and was about a share off the pace. WKQI stepped up to #3, despite landing its lowest score since there were piping pipers everywhere. WYCD went from first to fourth with its least productive outing since MARCH. A flat BEASLEY Active Rock WRIF repeated at #5. It was hearing footsteps from WOMC, which advanced from #11 to #6.
Over the last year, the only survey when WKQI was not #1 18-34 was when the big guy was in the building. The station notched its eighth win in a row, all of which have been in double figures. WRIF was back at #2 with a small decrease. It was paired with WNIC, which moved up from #6 with its best book since MARCH. A flat WYCD dipped to #4, while WXYT slipped to #5. AUDACY Alternative WDZH (ALT 98.7) stepped down to #6 with a slight increase.
Last month WKQI and WYCD were tied atop the 18-49 leaderboard. WKQI remained in place with its fifth win in a row, while WYCD dropped to #4. WXYT moved up to #2 with a solid increase, and WNIC remained at #3 with its lowest total since JANUARY. WRIF was back at #5 with a small decrease. It was joined in that place by WOMC, which advanced from #11.
Ever since the big guy from up north left town, UNIVERSITY OF NORTHWESTERN-ST. PAUL Contemporary Christian KTIS has been #1 6+. That’s eight books in a row, if you’re counting. However, that streak may be in jeopardy as the station matched its lowest number of the streak (9.3-8.7). iHEARTMEDIA Classic Hits KQQL (KOOL 108) moved up to within shouting distance after posting its best Frosty-free share in over a year (7.0-8.4). HUBBARD Hot AC KSTP (KS95) dipped to #3 with its first down book since BRENDA LEE was on the charts (8.3-7.3). It was paired with MPR N/T KNOW, which moved up from a tie at #4 with its best showing since MARCH (6.7-7.3). KNOW also gained a 0.7 share from its stream. iHEARTMEDIA Sports KFXN (KFAN FM 100.3) dipped to #5 (6.7-7.0). KQQL continued as the cume champ, despite a 2.5% decrease (726,200-708,000). The market was up 2.4%.
KSTP was both #1 and in double figures 18-49 for the third book in a row. KQQL leapt from #9 to #2 with a huge share increase yet still trailed the leader by more than a share. KTIS dipped to #3 with a slight increase, while iHEARTMEDIA Pop CHR KDWB stepped down to #4 with a slight decrease. A flat CUMULUS Active Rock KXXR (93X) moved down to #5. KFXN and AUDACY AC KZJK (104.1 JACK FM) were last spotted at #5. KFXN dropped to #6 with a slight increase, while KZJK ended up at #7 with its smallest share since MARCH.
The kids dig the classics. CUMULUS Classic Rock KQRS went from #7 to #1 18-34 and scored a double-digit book. KDWB and iHEARTMEDIA Country KEEY (K102) were sharing the spotlight last month. KDWB dipped to #2, while KEEY ended up in a three-way tie at #3. The other stations in that triumvirate were KZJK, which stepped up from #4, and KSTP, which remained motionless. KQQL slipped into a tie at #6 with KXXR.
For the seventh straight survey, KSTP was #1 18-49. The station also copped its third double-digit book in a row. KQQL vaulted from #8 to #2, which caused a ripple effect on the chart. KXXR stepped down to #3 with a slight decrease, while KTIS moved down to #4 with a small increase. KDWB dipped to #5, while KEEY ended up at #6. Both stations had slight decreases.
Three down, one to go. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read this. If you haven’t done so already, please subscribe to our blog right now. As the kids say – smash that subscribe button.
As always, The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC. stand ready to help you grow your ratings and revenue. Click the link below to get the gruesome details.
Still to come our final attempt at insight as we dive into TAMPA, SAN DIEGO, DENVER, NASSAU-SUFFOLK and CHARLOTTE.
-Steve Allan, Programming Research Consultant
About XTrends: XTrends is radio’s favorite Nielsen ratings analysis tool, used by all major groups. Learn why here.
About Research Director, Inc.: Research Director, Inc. is based in Annapolis, Maryland. We help radio stations’ programming and sales departments maximize the value of their research. For more information, visit www.ResearchDirectorInc.com, call 410-295-6619, or e-mail info@ResearchDirectorInc.com or sallan@ResearchDirectorInc.com.