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Three Ways to Increase Station Sales in 2015

Three Ways to Increase Station Sales in 2015

Tell a Stellar Story

There’s plenty of ratings data available, so use it to your advantage! Carefully probe the available data (quantitative and qualitative) to position your station(s) favorably to your potential buyers. Consistently making an effort to analyze the appropriate numbers can create more new business opportunities and a higher closing rate.

Inform and Educate

The best sellers aren’t always asking for the sale. Take the time to provide your clients and prospects some objective market data. This will encourage them to trust you as a consultant and not simply a sales rep looking for a signature.

Time Is Money

Your clients and prospects need you more than your computer does. Spend more time with them; face-to-face and over the phone. If you’re able to invest your time with your clients, you are far more likely to earn the loyal repeat customers that we are always looking for.

If you’re eager to increase station sales, let us know by filling out the request form below and we’ll show you how our Sales Research can do just that.


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