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Not Everyone Gets a Medal

Not Everyone Gets a Medal

Radio has its own group of industry all-stars. It could be a stellar programming team, top on-air talent, or a virtually indestructible heritage reputation. Unfortunately, there are times where this isn’t enough to meet sales goals. Why is this?

The answer is simple: Ratings are estimates. You can be the best player in the game and call all of the right shots, but reality is, the estimates can occasionally work against you, especially if you rely primarily on your stations’ rank and ratings to position your worth.

Are you confident when selling after a poor book? Can you show buyers that, while the score may not be in your favor, you’re still the best station for the buy? This is a crucial skill that all radio sales reps should own. Be sure that you (or your sales team) know how to navigate through these uncharacteristic “bad books.” Perhaps the answer is looking at a multi-book average to increase reliability. Is there a qualitative story that shows how you fit with the buy? With the options available, there’s no need to fret over a single book that is out of the ordinary.

Perhaps your ratings are in a slump, or your station isn’t as dominant as the competition. We can help you make more money with exactly what you’ve got.

Interested in seeing how we can help your sales team dominate, regardless of your ratings? Fill out the request below and we’ll be happy to show you.

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