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Now What?

Now What?

As listening levels slowly increase, below are a few data points to monitor as we emerge from the holiday haze and move forward:

  •  PUMM levels: These reveal how the recovery is proceeding. As routines return, radio usage should increase. Pay particular attention to Monday-Friday 6AM-10AM.
  • AWTE (or TSL): Unfortunately, TSL continues to be depressed since the pandemic began.
  • Proportionality: Track your key demos closely to make sure there is enough “there” there. (Remember: you don’t pay Nielsen for ratings, you pay them for sample.)

Fortunately, we at Research Director, Inc. offer several reports that make tracking these metrics simple.


Trend how you and your close competitors are performing. See where any audience gains or losses are coming from or going to.


Who is listening to you and your competition? Follow this in near real time by age, gender, and ethnicity.


Where is your listening focused? How much of that are you sharing with your competition?


These Research Director, Inc. reports can provide you with a strategic advantage as you tackle the challenges of 2021.

Want to know more? Fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch.


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