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Make Your Sales Department Happy

Make Your Sales Department Happy

How close are you in a given daypart to bumping up your AQH Rating by a tenth of a point? That’s quite dependent on rounding. AQH Ratings are rounded to one decimal place, which means that an AQH Rating of 0.3 could be anywhere from 0.2500 to 0.3499 – that’s a 40% difference! And, if your unrounded rating is 0.3499, a very small increase in AQH persons could get you to a 0.4. That means the sales department can justify rates of 33% more!

To find where you are closest to bumping up to a higher rating, we’ve developed the Ratings Booster. It shows your unrounded AQH Rating in all the major dayparts. Then it breaks down those dayparts into quarter-hours so you can zero in on the times when you have the best opportunity to increase listening.


For a free demonstration, just fill out the form below. You’ll need to be a Nielsen subscriber in good standing and purchase the PPM Analysis Tool. You may incur a small sales tax charge for giving us access to your data.

We hope to hear from you soon!

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