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Americans Are Planning Their Summer TRAVEL!

May 26, 2022

The pandemic forced many of us to put all or most of our travel plans on hold these past two years. Travel restrictions continue to ease up, allowing Americans to re-start their travel plans for their next great vacation. What are the trends for travel this summer? How can Radio assist with travel planning?

Here are some fast facts from recent surveys about American travel:

  • 42% of Americans are likely to plan a domestic vacation in the next 12 months, while 12% are likely to plan an international vacation. (MRI-Simmons)
  • 59% of Americans are gearing up for tropical/beach destinations, and 42% are willing to splurge on their trips this year. (Expedia’s Greatest of All Trips travel trend report)
  • According to Provoke Insights March 2022 Travel and Radio Report, 39% of radio listeners are planning a domestic trip this year. In the past month, 22% booked a hotel stay, 16% purchased an airline ticket, and 2% booked a cruise.

The Provoke Insights survey also revealed that radio listeners act on the radio ads they hear by searching online for more information (50%), speaking to others about what they heard on the radio (27%), and purchasing the product (19%). This is a great story for Radio. Radio gets people to take action! Now we can prove it! The full report is available from the RAB if you are a member.

Now that we have some national data, you can use your local Scarborough data to tell your specific station’s story. Some Scarborough travel categories you may want to use include:

  • Types of vacations planning for the next 12 months
  • Number of trips, both domestic and foreign
  • Airlines and hotels used
  • Used internet to research a trip including vacation destinations, hotels, airlines, car rentals, etc.
  • Booked their trip online including airline tickets, hotel, auto rental, cruise and vacation packages

Profile your listeners’ travel preferences and show travel advertisers how you are a great fit by matching characteristics to the advertiser’s target consumer. Consider adding socioeconomic and other lifestyle characteristics too. If you need some guidance to craft your best story … we are here to help. You can reach out to us here.

You can find the RAB’s full blog on this topic here.

-Karen Morriss, Director of Client Services
