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Know Your Numbers
April 6, 2023
As you are likely aware, we specialize in analyzing Nielsen data for radio stations across the country. We have been doing so for over 30 years. For many of our clients, we are not The Ratings Experts, we are the ratings whisperers. In short – we help programmers know their numbers.
How do we do this? Is it alchemy or legerdemain? No, it is with something we have dubbed The Programming & Ratings Toolbox. “What is that?” you say? It contains the following elements – all designed to gain a deeper understanding of your station’s Nielsen data.
Instant Answer is a comprehensive look at your station and your competitors. It features a 14-book trend and breaks down dayparts and demos. (There’s more, of course.) The best part is this report arrives in your inbox within minutes of your data download.
The Exact Age Report tells you what age cells are generating AQH for you and your competition.
The Hot Zip Report tells you what ZIP codes are generating AQH for you and your competition.
The Format Tracker tells you if you are gaining or losing audience within your competitive set or to another grouping. It also contains some fascinating (and valuable) data on, for example, proportionality.
Custom Programming Reports will help you answer specific questions you may have about your station’s performance that are unique to your situation.
But wait … there’s more!
We do more than send reports. We analyze them, work with you to find the answers you need, and help you make the right programming decisions. We are your research team and do the heavy ratings lifting so you don’t have to.
We realize this blog is usually about industry issues and helpful hints on how to use what Nielsen sells you to your advantage. But occasionally we do like to toot our own horn. We promise we will return to normal programming next week.
If you’d like to learn more about The Programming & Ratings Toolbox, click here. And if you’re a seller – share with your PD!
-Steve Allan, Programming Research Consultant