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Celebrate Your Listeners

October 10, 2024

This time of year is special in my family. Last week my parents celebrated their 42nd anniversary; my wife and I will celebrate eight years of marriage on October 21st; and my mom was born on October 5th, 19*ahem* (don’t worry mom, I would never give that up).

What does this have to do with you? Well, you can learn a lot about your listeners’ milestones if you have access to quantitative data like Scarborough, Media Audit, and others.

The lifestyle category can be highly beneficial. You can see what your listeners are going to do in the next year. Maybe they are planning…

  • To get married
  • To buy or sell a house or move
  • For the birth of a child or grandchild
  • To go back to school
  • To look for a new job
  • To retire

Once you pull that data and see what stage of life your listeners are in, take advantage and proceed to the next step.

If many of your listeners are planning to get married, you could partner with a jewelry store, or a bakery, or maybe even a travel agent to plan that perfect honeymoon. They don’t even have to be planning to get married to want to take a trip. I’m ready for a vacation myself.

For listeners who are planning to move or buy/sell a house, you can target home improvement stores or moving companies.

If there is a child coming into their lives in the next year, maybe you can do a diaper giveaway or partner with a furniture store. After all, the baby has to sleep somewhere. Travel agents could come in big here too. Babymoons are all the rage these days. See, anyone could use a trip!

Going back to school is always a huge opportunity for ad space and collaborating with an office supply store can never hurt to increase your revenue.

If your listeners are looking for a new job, partnering with a temp agency or a headhunter can never hurt. Even if they aren’t actively thinking about looking for a new job, an ad about a new job or career path has the potential to send your listeners to use your advertisers’ services.

Maybe they are about to retire. Not to beat a dead horse, but you know what retirees have time for? Traveling.

Your listeners may not directly pay the bills, but they are your lifeblood. Why don’t you celebrate them, their life events, and accomplishments?

-Matt Weaver, Information Systems Coordinator
