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For those that take the Christmas plunge, the question is: “How do I keep that huge influx of cume?” To those that lose audience, the question is: “How quickly can I get them back?”

The Ratings Experts from Research Director, Inc. have an answer for both questions.

First, the easy part. There are multiple sources that allow you to track your specific audience on a monthly basis. We’re not talking about trends or demos but meter keepers and zip codes.

The Nielsen CPR reports are a good place to find out who is listening and where they are. You could also take advantage of our EXACT AGE and HOT ZIP reports.

How does this work, exactly?

If you are a Christmas station you want to play offense and keep as many of those new quarter hours as possible. If you’re attacked by the ghost of Christmas present you want to play defense and rebound as quickly as possible.

It all comes down to tracking.

For those fighting against Christmas, track your ages and zip codes for October and November. This will tell you where your hottest listening is located. Then, once Santa is on the scene you can look at the December and Holiday surveys to see where your erosion was.

Conversely, if you are playing Christmas music you want to see where you gained listening in December and Holiday. What zip codes suddenly appeared and contributed the most listening to your station? And, what ages do they represent?

Armed with this information you can then go hunting (marketing). Thanks to the high level of targetability (and relative low cost) in the digital space you can develop some precision marketing campaigns designed to reach specific audiences.

We live in a data driven world and thanks to Nielsen and Research Director, Inc. there are ways to mine that data to help you survive (or thrive) the Christmas music blitz.

If you would like to know more, fill out the form below.

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