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Where Did The Time Go?

October 12, 2023

This blog is not going to be about navel gazing or lamenting how time slips through our fingers while we waltz through life. No, this is about an existential threat to radio.

We know – for a fact – that listening levels are down about 20% in PPM markets. We don’t know where it went or when (or if) it will come back. What we are sure of is that one of the contributing factors to this decline is in Time Spent Listening (TSL). Yes, we know it’s actually Average Weekly Time Exposed (AWTE) but we are old school. Read More…


October 6, 2023

Oh look – it’s bonus ratings coverage. Like extra innings or overtime. Actually, The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC., after huddling with our partners in data from XTRENDS, decided to add five more markets to our monthly mix. That makes this the debut of our extended ratings coverage. We know, be still your beating heart. As a reminder, the SEPTEMBER survey ran from AUGUST 17TH through SEPTEMBER 13TH. It had that laboriously long holiday weekend, folks figuring out what to pack for school lunches, and the return of tailgate parties. Let us introduce you to our new tranche of markets:

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October 5, 2023

The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC. in a tight-knot formation with the math mavens from XTRENDS are back to wrangle more SEPTEMBER data. We slice, dice, parse and – occasionally – squeeze the numbers to give you a deep look into the top markets. This is the only ratings recap that goes beyond the publicly available 6+ figures. While we cannot give you the exact shares of demos beyond the big, you can usually catch our drift about what is happening below the surface. This survey began on AUGUST 17TH and reached its demise on SEPTEMBER 13TH. Notable events during that time were a long weekend, the return of school car pools, and the onset of the football season. Let us begin… Read More…


October 4, 2023

As promised – we’re back. And we’re glad you found the new home for The Radio Ratings Roundup (formerly a part of the All Access empire). The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC, along with our radio compatriots from XTRENDS take another stab at the numbers. This is our second look at SEPTEMBER – a month lauded and lamented in both story and song. This particular segment ran from AUGUST 17TH through SEPTEMBER 13TH. Sort of SEPTEMBER-ish. It did feature a mandatory three-day weekend, the return of reading, writing and ’rithmatic – plus the beginning of football follies. How all this affected radio ratings is about to be revealed.

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October 3, 2023

Why does SEPTEMBER serve as the muse for so many songwriters? Why not the AUGUST of my years? Would the 21st night of OCTOBER have worked just as well? Could we wake up when DECEMBER ends? Truly baffling. But neither The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC. nor the numbers wonders from XTRENDS make our living writing songs. We just analyze data. Specifically, for the SEPTEMBER survey. This one ran from AUGUST 17TH through SEPTEMBER 13TH. It featured a long federally-mandated weekend, rush of back-to-school days and the initiation of gridiron hostilities. Here’s how it went:

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