November 3, 2022
You probably don’t actually carry a briefcase anymore, yet you get the concept, right? What are the first things you need to learn and know about Radio sales? What are the things you need to know off the top of your head, or at least have at your fingertips to provide to a prospect?
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October 27, 2022
Pretty much since the dawn of radio ratings, programmers (guilty) have blamed the ratings services for our “issues.” These issues usually mean bad ratings. From Arbitron to Nielsen, diary to PPM, the lament remains the same – sample sizes are too small.
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October 20, 2022
Michelob? Truly an ad campaign from the pre-craft beer era. More importantly, weekends were made for radio listening. Last week, Fred Jacobs published a blog pertaining to this subject. He focused on the programming aspects of this, shall we say, neglected day part. We are going to focus on the data (we are The Ratings Experts, after all).
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October 13, 2022
Do you have unsold inventory on the weekends? Do you add this inventory to current ad campaigns as “added value”? If so, it’s time to show the value of this audience and stop giving it away for free. We can show you how….
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October 6, 2022
Duplication Reports – Part 2
How often have you heard an advertiser say, “I am buying your competitor and already reach your audience”? Do you have a good response to this objection?
Last month, we focused on how to read and use a Duplication Grid report. This month, we walk you through the Duplication Analysis report. This report will help you show the value of including your station on the buy.
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