A Love/Hate Relationship
A Love/Hate Relationship
Within minutes of your data availability, you will have a complete report on how your station and your chief competitors performed. We call it Instant Answer for that reason.
Within days, you’ll have our proprietary Exact Age, Hot Zip, and Format Tracker reports.
With the mere click of a mouse, you will see who is contributing to your AQH, where they are, and if you are stealing from your competitors (or are a victim of audience theft).
But wait … there’s more.
The Ratings Experts are part of your team. We are here for analysis and (if asked) advice based on your numbers and our view of stations similar to yours.
You could say we are in a relationship.
Our Programming & Ratings Toolbox will make your programming life easier – the rest is up to you!
Fill out the form below and we can discuss how this can work for you.