Is It You or Is It Them?
Is It You or Is It Them?
Conventional wisdom states that the battles between radio stations are about competing formats. However, listeners have varied interests and needs. As a result, these battles are as much about demos as they are about positions.
How can you tell the difference?
One way is to look at your sharing universe. This might be all Rock stations or all stations targeting Women 35-44.
When the book comes, has your format group gained or lost audience – as a whole – or have you been the victim of ratings theft by your competition?
Sounds great in theory, but how do you determine that?
Fortunately, The Ratings Experts from Research Director, Inc. have developed a handy tool that can tell you – precisely – where your audience has grown (or shrunk) and what is the likely cause of that change.
It is called The Format Tracker. Simply put, we create format groups (based on your recommendations and needs) and then track them over time to see if the share this group commands in the market is growing or declining.
These reports are amazingly granular. Want to look at Other W25-34? No problem. Want to see how the AWTE of your format group compares with the market as a whole? We got that. Curious as to which groups are winning M35-44? A simple click will reveal the results.
The Format Tracker is a quick and easy way to see how your station is doing in relation to the competition. It will help you make better decisions about what you need to “fix” or feature.
In short, it takes a lot of the guesswork out of the ratings game. And, it saves you a ton of time.
PPM does a great job of recording listener behavior. The more you know – and track – that behavior the better informed you are. The end result – better ratings.
Contact us for a free demo of the Format Tracker.