Programming Services
Programming Services
Within minutes of the release of your book you’ll have a report that outlines how you did, how your competitor’s did, and even how well Nielsen Audio did in surveying the market. Research Director, Inc.’s INSTANT ANSWER℠ saves you time and allows you to zero in on the important issues facing your station.
Target your marketing to where your listeners live. Our HOT ZIP REPORT will show you where your station is strong, where your competitors are winning, and where the sweet spots are for your format group. Marketing dollars are precious – don’t waste them fishing where there’s no fish.
How much audience to you need to add to take your station up a level? The RATINGS BOOSTER will show you how close (or far away) you are. It will also help your Sales Department get a fix on where the shares are going.
While we have an amazing suite of products, we also realize that every station in every situation is presented with a unique set of opportunities. That is why we have a wide array of CUSTOM PROGRAMMING REPORTS that are designed to address specific situations. All these reports come with the full support of our ratings analysis and are available on an as-needed basis. You choose what you want and how often you want it.
All services are available both a la carte and as a package and are individually tailored to your station and your target demographic.
In addition, Research Director, Inc. will work with you to analyze each report and find the stories, opportunities, and solutions to making your station even stronger.