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Recycling Best Practices

Recycling Best Practices

NPR loves to talk about “driveway moments.” But let’s be real. After an hour-long commute, how many listeners will sit in their driveway to hear the end of a bit? Or sit through a stop set to hear a tease pay off?

Getting listeners to sample your station both horizontally – on multiple days – and vertically – during multiple dayparts – is how you increase occasions and AWTE/TSL.

Things to know:

  • What percentage of your cume tunes into each daypart every week?
  • What percentage of your cume moves through the major dayparts on a daily basis?
  • Most importantly – what is a “healthy” number for those percentages?

The Ratings Experts from Research Director, Inc. can provide you with those answers. We can help you turn data into ratings. Fill out the form below and let’s get started.

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